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precondition and Post-condition

Specifying Conditions and Acceptance Criteria of Test Cases
For example, if the test case needs to verify whether the response time for logging into
a system is acceptable, you might include the following information with the test case:
­ You must have the proper user ID available in the system and the
system must be in a logged off state.
­ After you log on and successfully verify the test case, log off (or bring
the system back into a known state for the following tests).
Acceptance criteria
­ The response time range should be between .5 and 2.0 seconds
for this test case to pass.
In another example, your test could have five verifications. However, at a certain
point in time, only three of them might need to pass for the test case to pass. In this
case, the acceptance criteria might change based on the iteration.
If you associate a configuration with a test case to create a configured test case,
the conditions and acceptance criteria of the test case are inherited by the configured
test case.
Any cleanup steps after the test
case is run, to bring it back to a
known state.
The expected results or
performance characteristics
that define whether the test
case passed or failed.
Any setup dependency that is
required for the test case to run.