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<< Testing Phases: Create, Run, Report, and Track | Data Driven Script File Types >>

SilkTest File Types

<< Testing Phases: Create, Run, Report, and Track | Data Driven Script File Types >>
Getting Started: A Tutorial
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SilkTest File Types
SilkTest File Types
There are eight types of files used by SilkTest in the automated testing
process, each with a specific function.
File Type
File Extension
SilkTest projects organize all the
resources associated with a test set and
present them visually in the Project
Explorer, making it easy to see,
manage, and work within your test
The project file has a .vtp (Verify Test
Project) extension and is organized as
an .ini file; it stores the names and
locations of files used by the project.
Each project file also has an associated
project initialization file:
An automated testplan is an outline
that organizes and enhances the testing
process; references testcases and
allows execution of testcases
according to the testplan detail; can be
of type masterplan or of subplan that is
referenced by a masterplan.
Test Frame
A specific kind of include file that
upon creation automatically captures a
declaration of the AUT's main
window including the URL of the Web
application or path and executable
name for client/server applications;
acts as a central repository of
information about the AUT; can also
include declarations for other
windows, as well as application states,
variables and constants.