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Test Frame - testing a Web application
<< Test Frame - QuickStart Wizard | Test Frame - Recording a login window >>
User's Guide
4 R
How to record window declarations
Note If you are testing a Web application, you see different
fields. For more information, see "Recording a test frame for a
Web application" in Chapter 3 of Testing Web Applications with
You can edit these fields if you want.
Click OK.
The new test frame file is created. The file contains the 4Test declarations
for the main window and all its menus, as well as a generic declaration
that is valid for each of the standard message boxes in the application.
For example:
Window declarations appear in the outline editor, which means that the
declarations for individual GUI objects can be expanded to show detail,
collapsed to hide detail, and edited if necessary.
File name is stored in
runtime options
When you record a test frame, the full path of the test frame file is added to
the Use Files field of the Runtime Options dialog. This means that SilkTest
can use of the information contained in the declarations and recognize the
GUI objects in your application when you record testcases.
Note If you don't want to use the new test frame you just recorded
and instead want to use the test frame you had been using, be sure to
respecify the pathname of the old test frame in the Runtime Options
dialog (select Options/Runtime).
declarations for a
After you record your test application's main window and menus, you record
all the dialogs you want to test.
Procedure To record your application's dialogs, use this procedure once for
each dialog in your application:
Make sure that the test frame file that contains the declarations for the
application's main window is open. The dialog declarations will be
appended to this file.
Select Record/Window Declarations.
The Record Window Declarations dialog is displayed.