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<< Categorizing and Marking Testplans | Marking Testplans - Defining and modifying attributes and values >>
Marking Testplans - Overview
<< Categorizing and Marking Testplans | Marking Testplans - Defining and modifying attributes and values >>
User's Guide
11 C
By query You can also mark a testplan according to a certain set of
characteristics it possesses. This is called marking by query. You build a
query based on one or more specific test characteristics -- its script file, data,
symbols, or attributes -- and then mark those tests that match the criteria set
up in the query. For example, you might want to mark all tests that live in the
find.t script and that were created by the developer named Emily.
If you name and save the query, you can reapply it in subsequent work
sessions without having to rebuild the query or manually remark the tests that
you're interested in working with.
By test failure After running a testplan, the generated results file might
indicate test failures. You can mark these failures in the plan by selecting
Results/Mark Failures in Plan. You then might fix the errors and rerun the
failed tests. (For information on results files, see "Results files" on page 148.)
Definition of attributes
Attributes are site-specific characteristics that you can define for your
testplan and assign to test descriptions and group descriptions. You can use
test attributes to build queries.
How attributes are
By assigning attributes to parts of the testplan, you can:
Group tests in the plan to distinguish them from the whole testplan
Report on the testplan based on a given attribute value
Run parts of the testplan that have a given attribute value
For example, you might define an attribute called Engineer that represents the
set of QA engineers that are testing an application through a given testplan.
You might then define values for Engineer like Bob, Emily, Craig, and Zoe,
the individual engineers who are testing this plan. You can then assign the
values of Engineer to the tests in the testplan. Certain tests are assigned the
value of Emily, others the value of Craig, and so on. You can then run a query
to mark the tests that have a given value for the Engineer attribute. Finally,
you can run just these marked tests.
Attributes are also used to generate reports. For example, to generate a report
on the number of passed and failed tests for Engineer Craig, simply select
this value from the Pass/Fail Report dialog. You do not need to mark the tests
or build a query in this case.
Note This chapter does not describe how to run parts of a testplan,
nor does it describe how to generate a report using attributes. These
are described in Chapter 6, "Running Tests and Interpreting