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<< Tutorial 1. Working With Projects | Accessing files within your project >>

Overview of SilkTest projects

<< Tutorial 1. Working With Projects | Accessing files within your project >>
Working with Projects
Overview of SilkTest projects
Projects in SilkTest organize all the resources associated with a test set and present them visually in
the Project Explorer, making it easy to see, manage, and work within your test environment.
SilkTest projects store relevant information about your project, including references to all the resources
associated with a test set, such as plans, scripts, data, options sets, .ini files, results, and
frame/include files, as well as configuration information, Editor settings, and data files for attributes and
queries. All of this information is stored at the project level, meaning that once you add the appropriate
files to your project and configure it once, you may never need to do it again. Switching among
projects is easy - since you need to configure the project only once, you can simply open the project
and run your tests.
Each project is a unique testing environment, so by default new projects do not contain any settings,
such as extensions, class mappings, Agent options, etc. You can specify your settings once in your
new project using the Options dialogs, or you can retain the settings from your current test set, by
saving them as an options set. (Open SilkTest and click Options/Save New Options Set.) You can
include the options set when you create your project. Note that testplan.ini files are not included in
options sets so you must specify your testplan.ini file manually.
Storing project information
SilkTest stores project-related information in two project files:
projectname.vtp: the project file has a .vtp (Verify Test Project) extension and is organized as
an .ini file; it stores the names and locations of files used by the project.
projectname.ini: the project initialization file, similar to the partner.ini file, stores information
about options sets, queries, etc. included in your project.
These files are created in the projectname folder. When you create your project, SilkTest prompts you
to store your project in <SilkTest installation directory>/Project, the default location. (You can specify
another location if you do not want to use the default Project folder.) SilkTest creates a projectname
folder within this directory, saves the projectname.vtp and projectname.ini files to this location, and
copies the extension .ini files (appexpex.ini, axext.ini, domex.ini, and javaex.ini) to the
projectname/extend subdirectory.
Note that the extension .ini files (appexpex.ini, axext.ini, domex.ini, and javaex.ini) located in your
<SilkTest installation directory>/extend folder are copied to your projectname/extend directory.
However, these files will be used only if you first enable the appropriate extension.
You can have SilkTest automatically enable the appropriate extension using the Basic Workflow bar
(Workflows/Basic), or you can manually enable extensions yourself; see Enabling extensions in the
online Help. Once you enable an extension, the current project will use the extension options in the
extension .ini file copied to the projectname/extend directory. Any modifications you make to the
options for this enabled extension will be saved to the copy stored within the current project, in your
projectname/extend directory.