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To edit the General settings for a node

Graphical User Interface
Directory name: Specifies the TDP directory
Initial definition file: Indicates the default .ini file in the TDP directory.
Source file language: Sets the current language of the TDP.
Object file extension: Specifies the default extension for object files produced
with the current TDP.
Binary file extension: Specifies the default extension for executable binaries
produced with the current TDP.
Source file extension: Specifies the default extension for source files used with
the current TDP.
To edit the General settings for a node:
1. In
Project Explorer, click the Settings
Select a node in the Project Explorer pane.
In the Configuration Settings list, expand General.
4. Select
Host Configuration, Directories or Target Deployment Port.
When you have finished, click OK to validate the changes.
Build Settings
The Build settings are part of the Configuration Settings dialog box, which allows
you to configure settings for each node.
By default, the settings of each node are inherited from those of the parent node.
When you override the settings of a parent node, changes are propagated to all child
nodes within the same Configuration. Overridden fields are displayed in bold.
Compiler Settings
Preprocessor options: Specific compilation flags to be sent to the Test Compiler.
Compiler flags: Extra flags to be sent to the compiler.
Preprocessor macro definitions: Specify any macro definition that are to be sent
to both the compiler preprocessor (if used) and the Test Compilers. Several
generation conditions must be separated by a comma ',' with no space, as in the
following example:
Directories for Include Files: Click the ... button to create or modify a list of
directories for included files when the include statement is encountered in
source code and test scripts. In the directory selection box, use the Up and
Down buttons to indicate the order in which the directories are searched.