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<< CPU/User Threshold | Robot detects the presence of custom >>
<< CPU/User Threshold | Robot detects the presence of custom >>

Setting Filtering Options

Setting Script Generation Options
Script Generation: Setting Filtering Options
When you record a session, the session might include requests associated with a
variety of protocols--for example, Oracle, SQL Server, and HTTP.
After recording, you can generate scripts that include requests for all of the recorded
protocols or just some of them.
Typically, you filter protocols with network and proxy recording because you record
all traffic to or from an IP address. API recording targets a client application on a
specific computer, so you probably need to filter protocols automatically if you are
using this method.
To see a list of the protocols that Robot records, select the
Manual Filtering
Manual Filtering
Manual Filtering
Manual Filtering
check box,
record a script, and then view the list in the Manual Filtering dialog box at the end
of the recording session.
How to Filter Protocols
To filter protocols in a recorded script:
1. Click
Tools >
> Session Record Options
Session Record Options
Session Record Options
Session Record Options
2. Click the
Generator Filtering
Generator Filtering
Generator Filtering
Generator Filtering
3. Select the protocol(s) to include in the script.