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<< Creating Verification Points in GUI Scripts | To test the feature >>
<< Creating Verification Points in GUI Scripts | To test the feature >>
Web Site Scan
Types of Verification Points
Region Image
Captures a region of the screen as a bitmap. The captured
region is a pixel-by-pixel representation that includes
colors, height, and width.
Web Site Compare
Captures a baseline of a Web site and compares it to the
Web site at another point in time.
Web Site Scan
Checks the contents of a Web site with every revision and
ensures that changes have not resulted in defects.
Window Existence
Verifies the existence and status of a specified window
during playback. The status can be normal, minimized,
maximized, or hidden.
Window Image
Captures a window as a bitmap. The captured window is a
pixel-by-pixel representation that includes colors, height,
and width.
NOTE: You can also verify objects through your own custom procedures. You
can then use the SQABasic verification point management commands to perform
the same kind of verification and logging tasks that Robot performs automatically.
For more information, see the SQABasic Language Reference.
Verification point type