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<< Variables Used in Test Generation Templates | check_expected_result Variable >>
<< Variables Used in Test Generation Templates | check_expected_result Variable >>

datapool_name Variable

Replacement Variables for Unit Test Generation Templates
The name of the datapool, calculated as follows:
The DataStore understands that datapool names are limited to 40
characters, so it takes two parameters and tries to figure out the best name,
such as "ClassNameOperationName", that fits within the 40 character
limit. CTD_DATAPOOL causes "_D" to be appended to the end of the
name and CTD_LOOKUPTABLE causes "_L" to be appended to the end of
the name.
ClassName := "_Account", OperationName := "Post", Language := "VB"
Before: dp.Open("<datapool_name>")
After: dp.Open("_Account_Post_D")
Unique index, calculated as follows:
CTD_SCRIPTTYPE_VB - Uses the "RQA VB Test Scripts" script source for
the index calculation.
CTD_SCRIPTTYPE_JAVA - Uses the "RQA Java Test Scripts" script source
for the index calculation.
TestName := "AccountPost", PackagePath :=
"unittests\COM\MyComponent", ScriptType := CTD_SCRIPTTYPE_VB
If no files exist with the name
Before: ExeName32="<test_name><index>.exe"
After: ExeName32="AccountPost.exe"
If <ScriptSourceDirectory>\<PackagePath>\AccountPost.vbp exists
Before: ExeName32="<test_name><index>.exe"
After: ExeName32="AccountPost1.exe"
Description and Example