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Getting Started with Java Vusers

Creating Vuser Scripts
Chapter 25, page 416
Java Vuser Scripts · Creating Java Vuser Scripts
Getting Started with Java Vusers
Before recording a Java Vuser script in VuGen, make sure that your environment
variables (path and classpath) are properly set and that you have
in the classpath. Verify that you can start your Java applet or application in
standalone mode, and that the message "Loading Mercury Support" appears.
To create a Java Vuser script, follow these steps:
1 Ensure that the machine is configured properly.
Make sure that WinRunner 5.0 is installed on the machine upon which you want to
record, and that its arch directory is in the path.
2 Create a Java Vuser in VuGen
Create a new Java Vuser template.
3 Set the Java recording options
Prepare a batch file with Java Mercury support and configure the VuGen
recording options for Java Vusers.
4 Record Vuser actions.
Record typical Vuser actions.
5 Add transactions, rendezvous, comments, and messages.
Use the Insert menu to add transactions, rendezvous, comments, and messages
in order to enhance your script.