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About Recording Database Vuser Scripts

Database Vuser Scripts · Developing Database Vuser Scripts
Creating Vuser Scripts
Chapter 9, page 137
About Recording Database Vuser Scripts
When you record a database application communicating with a server, VuGen
generates a Database Vuser script. VuGen supports the following database types:
CtLib, DbLib, Informix, Oracle, and ODBC. The resulting Vuser script contains LRD
functions that describe the database activity. Each LRD function has and lrd prefix,
and represents one or more database functions. For example, the lrd_fetch
function represents a fetch operation.
Using VuGen, you can parameterize a script, replacing recorded constants with
parameters. For more information, see Chapter 5,
Defining Parameters
When you run a recorded session, the Vuser script communicates directly with the
database server, performing the same operations as the original user. You can set
the Vuser behavior (run-time settings) to indicate the number of times to repeat the
operation and the interval between the repetitions. For more information, see
Chapter 6,
Configuring Run-Time Settings
In addition, you can correlate queries or other database statements in a script,
linking the results of one query with another. For more information, see Chapter 10,
Correlating Database Statements