Interview Questions

Selenium WebDriver - Can we enter text without using sendKeys() ?

Selenium WebDriver Interview question and Answers

(Continued from previous question...)

Selenium WebDriver - Can we enter text without using sendKeys() ?

Yes we can enter text without using sendKeys() method. We have to use combination of javascript and wrapper classes with WebDriver extension class, check the below code-
public static void setAttribute(WebElement element, String attributeName, String value)
{ WrapsDriver wrappedElement = (WrapsDriver) element;
JavascriptExecutor driver = (JavascriptExecutor)wrappedElement.getWrappedDriver();
driver.executeScript("arguments[0].setAttribute(arguments[1],arguments[2])", element, attributeName, value); }

public static void setAttribute(WebElement element, String attributeName, String value)


WrapsDriver wrappedElement = (WrapsDriver) element;

JavascriptExecutor driver = (JavascriptExecutor)wrappedElement.getWrappedDriver();

driver.executeScript("arguments[0].setAttribute(arguments[1],arguments[2])", element, attributeName, value);


call the above method in the test script and pass the text field attribute and pass the text you want to enter.

(Continued on next question...)

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