Interview Questions

SELENIUM REAL TIME INTERVIEW QUESTIONS - Please tell me the difference b/w implicitly Wait and Explicit wait.

Selenium WebDriver Interview question and Answers

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SELENIUM REAL TIME INTERVIEW QUESTIONS - Please tell me the difference b/w implicitly Wait and Explicit wait.

Implicit Wait sets internally a timeout that will be used for all consecutive Web Element searches. It will try lookup the element again and again for the specified amount of time before throwing a NoSuchElementException if the element could not have been found. It does only this and can't be forced into anything else - it waits for elements to show up.

Explicit Wait or just Wait is a one-timer used by you for a particular search. It is more extendible in the means that you can set it up to wait for any condition you might like. Usually, you can use some of the prebuilt Expected Conditions to wait for elements to become clickable, visible, invisible, etc., or just write your own condition that suits your needs.

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