Interview Questions

logic like split the given by delimiter "." and proceed accordingly to validate each range ......

Software QA/Tests Interview Questions from Microsoft

(Continued from previous question...)

logic like split the given by delimiter "." and proceed accordingly to validate each range ......

Had an interv at Microsoft today. Validate IPV4 address is my question..

I have given some logic like split the given by delimiter "." and proceed accordingly to validate each range.

maybe an answer:

public static bool isValidIVP4(string IP)

string[] arr = IP.Split('.');
if (arr.Length != 4)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
{//byte.TryParse would handle all cases except when there is a + in the beginning or 0's to the left so we check those cases first:
if (arr[i].Length > 3 || arr[i].Contains('+'))
return false;
byte result;
if (!byte.TryParse(arr[i], out result))
return false;


return true;

(Continued on next question...)

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