Interview Questions

How do you find all the anagrams in the dictionary.

Software QA/Tests Interview Questions from Microsoft

(Continued from previous question...)

How do you find all the anagrams in the dictionary.

How do you find all the anagrams in the dictionary.

maybe an answer:

1. Create a hash function that sorts the words in alphabetic order, we will use this for our hashing
2. For each word in the dictionary - use the above hash if there is no collision create a new entry, if there is a collision add the word to the list of values.
3. Ignore/remove all entries of size 1. Now we have the list of all anagrams.

maybe an answer2:

Assign first 26 prime numbers for a to z ...if you are also considering A to Z assign next set of prime numbers to them to..
so lets take an example of two words abc and cab
here, abc => (2*3*5)= 30 [a is alloted 2, b->3, c->5,d-> on...)
also, cab => (5*2*3) = 30...thus both these words are anagrams..

(Continued on next question...)

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