Interview Questions

Given a n array of positive and negative integers .....

Software QA/Tests Interview Questions from Microsoft

(Continued from previous question...)

Given a n array of positive and negative integers .....

Given a n array of positive and negative integers, find the subarray with max sum in O(n) and one loop.

maybe an answer:

Supose S is the array of integers, N the length and sum the current sum.
Let best be the solution at current step.We keep in x and y the limit of the best array
Initally,best = -INF and sum = 0.

for(i = 0 ;i < N ; ++i)
if(sum <= 0) {sum = S[i] ; idx = i; }
else sum += S[i];
if(best < sum) {best = sum;x = idx ; y = i;}

The solution will be the subarray [x,y]. Complexity O(N) time O(1) memory and one loop.

(Continued on next question...)

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