Interview Questions

Give atleast 10 test cases for a program which finds and eliminates .......

Software QA/Tests Interview Questions from Microsoft

(Continued from previous question...)

Give atleast 10 test cases for a program which finds and eliminates .......

Microsoft Interview Question for Software Engineer in Tests about Linked List
Give atleast 10 test cases for a program which finds and eliminates the duplicates in a singly linked list. assume it has all positive integers and returns the head of the linked list without the duplicates

Input Output explanation
1. 1->2->2->3->4 1->2->3->4 the sanity path
2. 1->1->2->3 1->2->3 border case duplicate at head
3. 1->2->3->3 1->2->3 border case duplicate at tail
4. 1->1->1->1 1-> all duplicates
5. 1->2->3->4 1->2->3->4 no duplicates
6. 1->2->3->2 1->2->3 duplicates in alternative positions (not consecutive) 7. Int.Min-1->2->1->Int.Max+1 2->1 test to make sure that the linked list structure handles numbers out of int range (the question didn't specify the range)
8. 1->2->1->2->3->3 1->2->3 each node has a duplicate
9. -1->0->1 throw exception should verify that erroroneous data is not being handled
10. 2->3->3->2->1 verify that the head is 2 making that the spec is being met
11. 1->1->1->1->1->1->1->2 1->2 just one non duplicate
12. test for a huge linked list that would potentially overflow memory and verify than the behavior is predictable

1.Empty Linked list
2.Linked list w.o any duplicated
3. LL with duplicated of the first elem
4. LL such that every node has a duplicate
5. LL such that first and last node has duplicate
6. Very Big linked list with no duplicate

(Continued on next question...)

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